8 Useful HTML tags You probablydon't know

Some of the most underrated html tags with alot of use and significance

20 July,2021


Html is a required must for every web developer and knowing it to your finger tips is very handy . Since the world web programming is a never ending process, let's take a look at some of the tags you might not have know could be used as tags rather than just writing them as plain text in <p> tags!. credits to @LubnaDev.

< Time >

The < Time > tag defines a specific time (or datetime). The datetime atribute of this element is used to translate the time into a machine-code format.


< Meter >

The < Meter > tag defines a scalar measurement withina knwon range , or fractional value also know as a gauge.


< Mark >

The < Mark > tag defines text that shuld be marked or highlighted to signify importance or a search term . By default, text will be rendered with a yellow background.


<Kbd >

The < Kbd > tga is usedto define keyboard input in a semantic way. text inside will be rendered in the browser feault mono space font.


< dialog >

The < dialog > tag defines a dialog box or sub-window. It makes it easy to crate popu-up windows or modals and is activated using the open attribute.


<base >

The < base > tag specifies the base URL and/or target for all realative URLs in a document . It must be within the < head > element and there can only be one bae URL in a document


<address >

The <address > tag defines the contact information for the author or owner of a document or an article . This can include URL , physical address and/or phone number.


< abbr >

The <abbr> tag defines an abbreviation or an acronym . it also allows you to use the title attribute to describe what the acronym stands for when the element is hovered upon


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